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Small insights from meditation: Discover how meditation has become my oasis in the bustling world of entrepreneurship, offering more than just relaxation - a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth。

meditatoin, Entrepreneurship and Spiritual growth






即使是短时间10分钟的打坐,仅仅通过简单感受自己的呼吸,它帮助我集中注意力,静下心,让我更容易进入到专注的工作状态。这个短暂的时间段,就像是给我的”Busy Mind“做一次SPA,它帮助我放松思维,清理杂念。这就像给我的思绪做一次整理,从杂乱无章的思绪中找到秩序,提高我的思考清晰度。



我也越发感觉到打坐也成为了我获得能量的重要方式。虽然睡眠和饮食是我们物理生活获取能量的基本途径,但我发现打坐有时比这些更加高效。与其躺在床上反转不能入睡,我会尝试坐立开始打坐,我发现打坐是一种下载宇宙能量(Cosmo Energy)的有效方式。打坐后的睡眠也常常是非常高质量的。


最近我会希望通过更长的打坐,例如一小时或更久。我发现至少需要30分钟的冥想,我才能进入那个真正空灵、寂静、虚无的状态。呼吸会变得很舒缓,每一呼,每一吸都可以可以是有意识的感知。 静坐时间够长的话,感知会慢慢变得更加集中和锐化,就像一根细针一样,穿透意识表层,进入到潜意识层面。我发现,在这种状态下,我能够更清楚地认识自己,理解自己的情绪和想法,察觉到自己的起心动念,看到自己小我的样子,理解这些感受背后的原因。这帮助我更清晰地认识到自己的本质,察觉所思所想背后真正的我到底是一个怎样的存在。


我也在学习如何通过打坐可以链接高我(My higher self),以及宇宙中的其他高能量存在。在这个过程中,我需要学会了真正臣服,让自己成为一个纯净的通道。这不是一种强迫的过程,而是允许、保持空间、成为通道,保持信念无条件相信的过程。 Universal蕴含着无穷的智慧,它会通过无条件的爱告诉我我真正需要做的是什么。





留在最后给大家: 如果你愿意每天抽出10分钟段时间打坐?希望它会带来什么改变或效果呢?

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Kuffy Fan Kuffy Fan

The Power of Consciousness: The Choices That Shape Parallel Universes

How our consciousness can create reality

parallel universe

Do you believe in parallel universes? Have you ever considered that our thoughts and perceptions, in other words, our "consciousness", might be shaping our lives and even the universe we inhabit?

Many New Age philosophies and spiritual teachings tell us that our consciousness has the power to create reality. It's like psychologists telling us to maintain a positive attitude, or as 'The Secret' suggests, that we can attract the life we desire through the 'Law of Attraction.' The common thread here is: the way we think, or our state of consciousness, can directly impact our lives. And now, we're taking this idea and scaling it up to the scope of the entire universe.

Today, I want to talk about how our consciousness might influence our reality at the quantum level and even possibly create new parallel universes or timelines. This is a belief that I've recently come to hold, and I believe that our consciousness and decisions can affect our reality and even potentially change the parallel universe or timeline we're in.

The Interplay of Consciousness and the Physical World

How do our consciousness—our thoughts and emotions—connect with the physical world we live in? To date, scientists still have no consensus. However, one theory that's gradually gaining interest is quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics is a theory explaining how the micro-world operates, and its classic physical experiment is the double-slit experiment.

In the double-slit experiment, when a photon (or other particle) is not observed, it passes through two slits, as if it is in a superposition of 'going through the left slit' and 'going through the right slit'. However, when we try to measure which slit it actually passes through, we find it has either completely gone through the left slit or completely through the right, but not both at the same time. This means the photon's state "collapses" from a superposition to a definite state at the moment of observation.

In quantum mechanics, 'collapse' refers to the sudden transition of a quantum system from multiple possible states to a certain state. In the absence of observation, a quantum system can exist in a superposition of multiple states, known as 'quantum superposition.' When we observe it, the system 'collapses' to one of these possible states, and our measurement result corresponds to this state.

In other words, a particle can exist in many places at the same time when we're not observing it. But when we do observe it, it can only appear in one place. So, what causes this 'wave function collapse'? Some scientists believe it's caused by our observation. That is, our consciousness may directly affect the physical world.

If our consciousness can influence the behavior of microscopic particles, could it also influence our daily lives? Perhaps our decisions, desires, even emotions, could shape our lives to some extent, and even influence the entire world.

Of course, this is just a theory. Scientists are still conducting related research, and there's yet to be definitive evidence to confirm this theory. However, this theory presents a possibility - the possibility that our consciousness may influence the real world.

Quantum Consciousness

So, if this theory were true, what would our lives look like?

Before we delve into this question, let's first understand the term 'Quantum Consciousness.'

So, what is 'Quantum Consciousness'? Its main premise is that our brain is not a simple biological computer, but more like a quantum processor. That is, our thoughts, perceptions, and consciousness may be produced through a process called 'Quantum Computation.' In short, when our brain makes decisions, it may evaluate all possibilities at the quantum level and then choose the best option.

In other words, when we face decisions, the brain may explore all possible options at the microscopic level. These options may form a 'quantum superposition' meaning they coexist, but our consciousness has not yet determined the final decision. Then, through a quantum process known as 'Objective Reduction,' the brain chooses the most optimal scheme, at which point our consciousness 'collapses' onto this choice.

For instance, when you face a complex math problem, your brain might explore all possible answers at the microscopic level and then select the most suitable one. This process may occur at a speed we cannot perceive, so you only become aware that you have found the answer, but don't realize your brain has explored all possible solutions.

You might ask, how could our brains possibly do this? Isn't this a superpower?

This idea stems from the 'Orch OR' theory, proposed by physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff. They suggest that some microscopic structures in the brain, such as neural microtubules, might perform computations at the quantum level, and the result of these quantum computations might be what we refer to as 'consciousness.'

What's unique about this theory is that it links the mysterious realm of quantum mechanics with the most intimate and familiar element in our daily lives—our consciousness. Whether this theory is correct or not, it provides us with a fresh perspective to observe our world and ourselves.

Spiritual Teachings and Quantum Mechanics: An Interactive View

At the intersection of science and spirituality, there's a fascinating interactive perspective. A seemingly impossible union finds common ground under the concept of 'quantum consciousness.' Spiritual teachings and quantum mechanics surprisingly align in their interpretations of reality.

From a spiritual perspective, emphasis is often placed on our inner power, how our thoughts, consciousness, and decisions shape our reality. From ancient wisdom traditions to modern self-help books, such views have always held a place in our lives. Spiritual teachings tell us that our inner world influences our outer world in some way.

Quantum mechanics, while vastly different in form and content from spiritual teachings, aligns with them on some basic principles. As we discussed earlier, the observer plays a crucial role in quantum mechanics, determining the final state of a physical system. This suggests that our observation and consciousness, our inner world, might influence the physical world we observe to some extent.

Viewing the world from this perspective, every choice, every decision we make might shape our reality in ways we can't imagine.

Parallel Universes and Our Choices

Exploring parallel universes and our choices is like explorers stepping into uncharted territories. The term 'parallel universe' might bring to mind bizarre scenes from sci-fi movies, but it's actually a scientific theory called the 'Many-Worlds Interpretation' (MWI).

The Many-Worlds Interpretation suggests that whenever a quantum event with multiple possible outcomes occurs, the universe branches off, each branch representing a possible outcome. This means countless parallel universes exist, each with its unique history and future. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But that's our astonishing reality—a reality containing endless possibilities.

Now, let's start from this audacious hypothesis and see how our choices participate in this cosmic branching. Spiritual teachings suggest that each time we make a decision, it's as if we create a new universe where we make this decision—a view quite in line with the Many-Worlds Interpretation.

For instance, you might face a decision: stay in your current job or accept a new one. Once you decide, it's as if you've opened a door to a new universe. The moment you choose to stay, a new universe is created where you chose to stay. This is the theory of a multiverse or parallel universes.

Let's push a little further: if our brains do possess quantum computation capabilities, that is, when we make decisions, our brains evaluate all possible outcomes at the quantum level. When we make a decision, this 'quantum computation' process ends, and our consciousness 'collapses' onto a specific state—this state is the decision we make. Thus, this decision might spawn a new parallel universe where we made this decision.

Lastly, consider this astonishing possibility: each parallel universe represents different possibilities or choices, so the course of events may differ in each universe. In some universes, these differences might be substantial—for example, in one universe, you might be a renowned scientist, while in another, an artist. In other universes, the differences might be small, like choosing a blue shirt over a red one.

Some spiritual views suggest that when we encounter 'major turning points' or experience profound 'awakenings' in life, we might 'jump' to a new parallel universe. In this new universe, our lives might significantly differ, and we might have a strong feeling that our lives have drastically changed, even though we might not be able to explain this change in detail.

However, we typically cannot directly perceive these parallel universes as our perception and consciousness are confined to our current universe. Yet, some theories propose that through certain forms of meditation or consciousness-expanding practices, we might be able to access or at least perceive these parallel universes.

How to Apply These Theories

Yes, I can hear you thinking, "Parallel universes and quantum computations are too deep for me, how can I put them to use?" Well, these profound theories remind us that each decision opens a door to a brand new path in life, each possibility truly exists, but they exist in their respective universes.

So how can we use these theories? It calls for innovative thinking and meditation techniques, and the courage to embrace the fact that every decision could potentially launch a new life. For example, suppose you're considering a new job opportunity. You could visualize scenarios in parallel universes where you make different decisions: in one universe, you accept the job and succeed; in another, you turn down the opportunity and find a job you like better. This way of thinking can help you break free from dilemmas and muster the courage to make decisions.

Here's another example: if you're faced with a tough problem, imagine that in a parallel universe, you've already found a solution. Even though you haven't found the answer in reality, this kind of imagination can help you broaden your thinking and find possible solutions.

Of course, coupling these ideas with theories of meditation and altered states of consciousness can take our exploration of the mind a step further.

The impact of meditation on the brain: A significant body of research shows that long-term meditation can change the structure and function of the brain. For example, some studies have found that those who regularly meditate have thicker grey matter in the prefrontal cortex (the brain region responsible for decision-making, attention, and awareness) than non-meditators. These changes may give meditators an advantage in processing information, focusing attention, and even in coping with stress and anxiety.

Meditation and quantum consciousness: Although we can't confirm whether meditation can influence quantum events, it could alter our state of consciousness, thus affecting our observation and thinking, influencing our reality in ways we do not fully understand yet.

Meditation and altered states of consciousness: The process of meditation is a process of altering consciousness. When you meditate, you withdraw your attention from the minutiae of daily life and turn inward, or focus on the present moment. This process allows us to better control our consciousness, so that we're not ruled by thoughts and emotions, but can actively choose what to focus on and think about.

In this process, you may notice your thoughts sparking various emotional responses like fear, anxiety, excitement, or hope. All of these are normal. However, through meditation, you can learn how to observe these emotions rather than letting them dictate your decisions.

For instance, if you're facing a difficult decision, you might use meditation to reflect calmly. During meditation, you might try to let go of all preconceived notions and judgments, focusing only on current feelings and intuition. This process could lead you to see things from a new perspective, thus altering your decision. From this viewpoint, your meditation is indeed influencing your decision-making process, and consequently your reality, by altering your state of consciousness.

In Conclusion

This might be a new way of thinking and a belief, that each decision we make, every fleeting thought we have, could lead us onto a new path in life. In countless parallel universes, we have endless possibilities, and every choice could potentially open a door to an entirely new future.

Whether considering job opportunities or solving complex problems, we can attempt to employ the concept of parallel universes to broaden our perspective.

Our consciousness and decisions are far from insignificant. On the contrary, they might influence our reality, and might even shift the parallel universe or timeline we inhabit. Every decision, every moment, holds infinite possibilities.

Therefore, our lives are our own, and we all have the right to determine its course. Every decision deserves to be treated with utmost dedication, for you might be creating your brand new world.

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Kuffy Fan Kuffy Fan


意识的力量:塑造平行宇宙的选择。 相信意识可以创造现实。

The power of consciousness: shaping the choices in parallel universes, consciousness can create reality

parallel universe

你相信有平行宇宙吗? 你有没有想过,我们的想法和感知,也就是我们的“意识”,有可能在塑造我们的生活,甚至塑造我们所在的宇宙呢?



意识与物理世界的交互(The Interplay of Consciousness and the Physical World)


量子力学是一种解释微观世界运作机制的理论,而其经典的物理实验就是 - 双缝实验



换句话说,一个粒子在我们没有观察它的时候,可以同时存在于许多地方,但是当我们观察它的时候,它又只能出现在一个地方。 那么问题来了,是什么导致了这个“坍缩”呢?有些科学家认为,是我们的观察导致了它。也就是说,我们的意识可能直接影响了物理世界。


当然, 这只是一个理论。科学家们还在进行相关研究,还未找到确证此理论的决定性证据。然而,这个理论提供了一种可能性——我们的意识或许可以影响现实世界的可能性。

量子意识(Quantum Consciousness)


在探讨这个问题之前,让我们先来了解一下"量子意识"。 什么是"量子意识"呢?它的主要观点认为:我们的大脑并非简单的生物电脑,而更像是一个量子处理器。也就是说,我们的思维,感知,以及意识,都可能是通过一种名为"量子计算"的过程产生的。简而言之,就是在我们的大脑做出决定时,可能会在量子层面上评估所有的可能性,然后选择最佳的选项。

换句话说,当我们面临决策时,大脑可能会在微观层面上探索所有可能的选项。这些选项可能会形成一种"量子叠加态",也就是说它们同时存在,但我们的意识尚未确定最终决策。然后,通过一种被称为"客观减少"(Objective Reduction)的量子过程,大脑会选择最优的方案,此时我们的意识就会"坍缩"到这个选择上。



这个想法源于"Orch OR"理论,该理论由物理学家罗杰·佩诺斯和麻醉学家斯图尔特·哈默洛夫提出。他们认为,大脑的一些微观结构,比如神经元的微管,可能在量子层面上进行运算,而这种量子运算的结果,可能就是我们所说的"意识"。

这个理论的独特之处在于,它将神秘的量子力学与我们日常生活中最亲近、最熟悉的元素和我们的意识——连接起来。 无论这个理论的正确与否,它都为我们提供了一种全新的视角来观察我们的世界和我们自己。

灵性学说与量子力学:一种交互视角 (Spiritual Teachings and Quantum Mechanics: An Interactive View)




当我们从这个角度看待世界, 我们的每一个选择,每一个决策,都可能以我们无法想象的方式,塑造着我们的现实。

平行宇宙和我们的选择(Parallel Universes and Our Choices)

探索平行宇宙和我们的选择,恰如探险家踏上未知的领土。首先,平行宇宙这个词,可能让你想起科幻电影中的奇异场景,但其实这是科学领域中的一种理论,名叫“多世界解释” (Many-Worlds Interpretation,MWI)。





最后,让我们思考一下这个惊人的可能性:每个平行宇宙都代表着不同的可能性或选择,所以在每个宇宙中,事物的发展轨迹可能都不同。 在某些宇宙中,这些区别可能会非常大,比如在某个宇宙中,你可能是一位著名的科学家,而在另一个宇宙中,你可能是一位艺术家。在其他的宇宙中,这些区别可能非常小,比如你可能选择了穿蓝色的衬衫而不是红色的衬衫。



如何应用这些理论(How to Apply These Theories)














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Finding Balance: Striving for Excellence vs. Embracing Good Enough

A Personal Journey in Understanding the Balance of Aspiration and Self-Compassion

A Personal Journey in Understanding the Balance of Aspiration and Self-Compassion

In this blog post, I will share my thoughts and experiences on how to navigate the delicate balance between striving for excellence and embracing what is good enough. Drawing from personal experiences and knowledge gained from others, I hope you find these reflections valuable, whether you're a leader in pursuit of excellence, someone seeking balance in life, or just interested in personal growth.

As a CEO, I face this challenge every day. Whether it's building a positive company culture, planning our marketing strategies, managing inventory, developing our team, or handling performance reviews and people tasks, the question always arises - when should I aim for excellence, and when should I consider 'good enough' as sufficient?

As we grow personally and professionally, we encounter the challenge of balancing our pursuit of excellence with accepting what is good enough. This challenge is particularly intense for leaders, who face high-pressure decisions with significant impacts. Let's navigate this journey together and discover how to excel while embracing self-compassion.

Defining the Spectrum

Let's begin by defining what I mean by 'Striving for Excellence' and 'Good Enough.' These two phrases represent different ends of a spectrum, and understanding them is key to finding our balance.

  • 'Striving for Excellence' is about pushing for the highest possible standards. It's the pursuit of the best, the ideal, and the most impressive outcomes. '

  • 'Good Enough' recognizes the reality of constraints and embraces practicality. It's about accepting that while there is always room for improvement, not every task requires us to go above and beyond. Sometimes, achieving a goal to an acceptable standard within a limited timeframe is a win in itself.

So how do we determine when to aim for which end of the spectrum? It helps to understand where our tasks and responsibilities lie in relation to our passion, strengths, and desired impact.

When we aim for excellence, we should focus on tasks that align with our passions, strengths, and desired impact. In other areas, it's okay to embrace a "good enough" approach. It's important to understand that not every task requires the same level of dedication and perfection, and that's okay. It's not a compromise or a failure, but a way to prioritize and be practical.

The Balance Act

Finding the right balance between striving for excellence and accepting good enough is a crucial skill for leaders. It's not about sacrificing quality or lowering standards, but about maximizing the return on investment of our time and resources. By making efficient choices, we can achieve the best results while also safeguarding our well-being and preventing burnout.

In my role as a CEO, I've identified areas where I consistently aim for excellence. These include building and maintaining a positive company culture, shaping our business vision and strategies, defining our organizational structure, and developing our people. It's essential to ensure that expectations are clearly set and aligned throughout the company, enabling everyone to perform at their best.

This said, I must emphasize that I am still navigating this path. My understanding of what belongs in each bucket continues to evolve, and I am constantly learning, refining my approach, and applying these insights into practice. This balance is not a static state, but an ongoing process of growth, reflection, and adjustment.

The Practical Approach

Navigating the path from striving for excellence to accepting what is 'good enough' requires a practical approach. Over the years, I've found that employing certain strategies can help to make this journey more manageable.

Take a one-on-one coaching session, for example. In the beginning, I felt the need to meticulously prepare for each session, spending hours anticipating every possible scenario. But as time went on, I learned a better approach. I realized that coaching wasn't about having all the answers; it was about listening, supporting, and asking the right questions. This shift in mindset allowed me to approach sessions with less pressure and more ease. The preparation became lighter, and the 'good enough' approach felt like a natural fit.

This 'Just Do It' mindset is closely linked to effective time management and scheduling. Being aware of the deadlines and setting realistic timeframes for the completion of tasks can greatly aid in deciding where to aim for excellence and where 'good enough' will suffice. For instance, when there is a tight deadline, it may be more practical to aim for 'good enough,' complete the task effectively, and move on to the next.

To manage my time effectively, I use a method called 'timeboxing.' This approach involves allocating a specific amount of time to each task, such as dedicating an hour for brainstorming or developing a presentation. It helps break down tasks into manageable chunks and encourages mindful time management. By setting time limits, I prevent myself from spending excessive time on one activity and push myself to find more efficient ways to accomplish each task. This practice also promotes a sense of satisfaction when tasks are completed within the allocated time, maximizing the return on investment for my efforts.

Along with timeboxing, another strategy that has proven effective for me is what I call 'head starter planning.' Once I've identified a meeting's purpose and the outcome I want to drive, I go ahead and schedule it on my calendar. This act of scheduling makes it real, creating a commitment to myself and others that I intend to follow through on.

However, one caveat with this approach is the potential to overestimate my ability and underestimate the time required to complete tasks. This is where timeboxing can come in handy again, helping to keep my scheduling realistic and prevent over-commitment.

The Power of Self-Compassion

Reflecting on the journey I've taken so far as a CEO, I've increasingly realized the importance of self-compassion. It hasn't always been easy. There have been moments of self-doubt, over-commitment, and the occasional feeling of being overwhelmed. But, by acknowledging these feelings and showing myself kindness, like I would to a close friend, I've learned to balance between striving for excellence and accepting good enough.

Self-compassion, with its gentle nature, may seem soft at first, but it's extraordinarily empowering. Self-compassion has shown me that being kind to myself makes me stronger. It helps me face tough situations more calmly, hold high standards without overloading myself, and handle things with a lighter, fun attitude. This gentle approach changes stress into strength.

Self-compassion means knowing it's okay not to be perfect all the time. This is freeing. We can try new things, learn from our errors, and keep growing without worrying too much about failing or not always reaching our high goals.

Self-compassion has a few main parts: being kind to ourselves, knowing we're not alone in our struggles, and keeping a balanced mind. Each part could fill its own blog post. We'll explore these more in future posts

For now, though, let's remember the power of being gentle with ourselves. As we navigate our lives, both personally and professionally, remember this: "Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can."

Self-compassion isn't just about being kind when we mess up. It's about being kind always, letting ourselves learn, grow, and enjoy our journey

To wrap it up

Throughout this journey of leadership and self-discovery, I've realized that the balance between 'striving for excellence' and 'good enough' is not about giving up or settling for less, but about being compassionate and understanding towards ourselves. It's about knowing when to push for excellence and when to accept that what we've done is good enough.

As we conclude, I encourage you to reflect on your journey. Consider your own balance between 'striving for excellence' and 'good enough.' Think about how you can incorporate more self-compassion into your approach.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Remember, it's not always about striving for perfection but about achieving a balance.

  • Use the 'Just Do It' mindset to overcome overthinking and over-planning.

  • Practice the practical approach by dividing your tasks into manageable parts and timeboxing.

  • Start small, schedule tasks, and commit to making them happen.

  • Self-compassion is powerful - be gentle with yourself, as you're doing the best you can.

  • Embrace the power of gentleness - it can turn stress into strength.

Remember to take a step back, reflect, and adjust as needed. It's not about perfection, but about growth, progress, and above all, self-compassion. As we navigate our lives, both personally and professionally, let's keep reminding ourselves to be kind, not just when we stumble, but always “be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can."

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